Today is the final series on how conflict can be a benefit. Perhaps the biggest benefit is that conflict can help you grow personally.
Benefit #4 Exemplify Personal Growth
Conflict will always be part of life and leadership. Reading a book about conflict management, attending a full day workshop or getting coaching doesn’t mean there’ll never be mismanaged conflict. Skills development, practice and working on “the inner game” is what it means to embody and model personal growth.
The inner game is a commitment to self-awareness, reflection, emotional integrity and a commitment to living in alignment with your highest values. By the way: You’ll never get a certificate, win an award or get college credits for working on your inner game. Winning the inner game is about a commitment to your own development.
What to do: Name the person or circumstance where you have the most unresolved conflict. Practice some of the skills you have learned. Notice your need to be right. Notice how you feel. Pay attention to your desire to fight or freeze.
Questions to ask: Am I willing to take full responsibility for resolving conflicts, or do I use coping strategies with the intention of changing the other person?
Where do have knowledge, but lack the courage to put knowledge into practice? Could I teach conflict management skills to junior managers in such a way that they could claim success and change dysfunctional behaviors?
Don’t interpret conflict as a problem to avoid, or an obstacle to overcome. Change your interpretation to see conflict as a way to transform anger, inspire change, prioritize clarity and grow personally.
If you want to see the all four ways conflict can help you to grow, visit the article at SmartBrief.
Marlene Chism