Taming The Mismanaged Mind

You may think your mental suffering is due to your toxic workplace, a disengaged team, or your unfortunate circumstance. And while these things can affect your well-being, there’s nothing that can make you suffer as much as your unmanaged mind.

The unmanaged mind leads to “wrong thinking,” and wrong thinking leads to suffering.

As James Allen said, “Suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction.”

Your unmanaged mind is the home to your inner critic. Your inner critic is responsible for your suffering and is worse than any boss you will ever have. Your inner critic micromanages you and makes you doubt yourself.

Your inner critic tells you that you could have done better and reminds you of all the things you’ve done wrong when you were learning.

Your inner critic ruminates on a grammatical error after you’ve sent the email. Your inner critic doesn’t recognize success. It’s never enough. There’s always more you should be doing or could be doing.

In the next few weeks I’ll be offering several strategies to tame the mismanaged mind. These tips will help you, but can also help you coach your employees, especially during these heated political times.

Stay tuned,
Marlene Chism