Reclaim Your Life in 2019

Have you noticed there’s a specific time of year when almost everyone takes some down time to reflect and plan?  That time is generally speaking sometime between December 27thand January 5th.

We vow to do better each year—to take down time when we need it, and to stay organized, but then old patterns soon draw us back in.

If you want to reclaim your life in 2019 here is a checklist to put in front of your computer:

  • Take regularly scheduled breaks
  • Get to bed before 10:00 on a regular basis
  • Say “no” to things that no longer interest you
  • Shut down your devices after 9:00 PM
  • Take five minutes in the morning for meditation, contemplation, prayer or journaling
  • Put things back where they belong the first time

If you are stuck in non-productive patterns your inner voice will challenge you by saying

  • This is a waste of time
  • I need to check my phone
  • If only I had more time
  • Just one more email…
  • I’ll start the better habits next week
  • If I don’t do it, it won’t get done

To make an empowering change you have to control the voice in your head.

Being super-busy makes you feel needed and important, but often what you really need is structure and discipline to gain wisdom and perspective.

Here’s the harsh truth:

One day you won’t be here.

Your company will replace you.

Your loved ones will eventually carry on.

The earth will continue to spin.

The sun will rise and the moon will shine.

Now, ask yourself, who would you be if you weren’t so busy?

Take some time for yourself.

Be the creator of your best life and you’ll have more to give to the world.

Marlene Chism is a consultant, international speaker and the author of “Stop Workplace Drama” (Wiley 2011), “No-Drama Leadership” (Bibliomotion 2015) and “7 Ways to Stop Drama in Your Healthcare Practice” (Greenbranch 2018).  Download “The Bottom Line: How Executive Conversations Drive Results.” Connect with Chism via LinkedInFacebook and Twitter and at