Create a Collaborative Culture (Part 1 of 4)

Most senior leaders say they want to create a more collaborative culture. After all, when there’s mismanaged conflict, avoided conversations, and siloed thinking, there’s always an impact on the business: Missed deadlines, disappointed customers, safety risks, and lowered productivity.

This is part 1 of how senior leaders can create a more collaborative culture.

Notice your triggers
A trigger is when a thought and emotion combine to create an unwanted experience such as being sarcastic or losing your temper. Everyone’s triggers (and reactions) are different. Common triggers can include a sound, a comment, a specific type of situation that feels like a threat.

For example, an employee makes a comment in a meeting and you blow up. At first you feel justified, only to have regrets later.

When you get triggered, your emotional brain hijacks your thinking brain. This almond shaped structure called the amygdala floods your body with hormones that stimulates a fight or flight response. You literally lose your rational mind. It can take 20 minutes or longer to come to your senses.

Here are some questions to get to the root of your trigger:

  • Who is the person?
  • What is the situation?
  • What is the trigger reaction?
  • How do you wish to respond in the future?

The benefit of knowing your triggers is to see patterns, gain control and be able to respond instead of reacting.

Stay tuned where I’ll share the second tip on December 20th.

Happy Holidays,
Marlene Chism

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