Create a Collaborative Culture (Part 3 of 4)

The last two weeks in 2023 I talked about two specific ways senior leaders can create a culture of collaboration. The first one was to become aware of triggers, and the second way was to buy some time when you’d otherwise blow up or come off as defensive. Senior leaders have to model self-regulation to set the example of aligning with the cultural values. Today’s mini lesson is about how to manage your thoughts.

Take control of your narrative

It’s easy to act defensively when you’re experiencing uncertainty. A new poll conducted by Robin Pou firm found that 56% of leaders question their leadership on a monthly basis, and this insecurity contributes to leadership doubt.  The top reasons leaders don’t discuss their doubt is fear of losing credibility, fear of looking weak, and believing they must have all the answers. These beliefs become narratives that contribute to the behavior of defending one’s worth.

Here are some ways to take control of your narrative when experiencing doubt:

  • Am I working from feelings or from fact?
  •  It’s OK for me to seek coaching to improve.
  • Who could I discuss this with to gain perspective?
  • What am I supposed to learn from this experience?

The benefit of controlling your own narrative is that you can more easily self-regulate. An added benefit is the ability to coach your employees when you notice their self-defeating narrative.

To a prosperous New Year,
Marlene Chism

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