A Holiday Reflection

As we celebrate the holiday season take a moment to reflect, and gain perspective.

Is someone you know going through a tough time? A co-worker; a colleague; an old friend; a distant relative; a past client? Perhaps they’ve lost a loved one. Maybe they’re dealing with the same health challenge as last year. They’re worried about their financial security. They’re facing the reality of putting a parent in long term care. They’re experiencing mental health challenges.

Everyone has a cross to bear.

Take a moment and pick one person in your life. Think about what they’re going through. Think about what it’s like to live in their body, or to operate from their understanding.

Dwell on it for more than a few moments and you’ll get a sense of their challenges, burdens, worries and concerns.

We often don’t see other people’s challenges when we’re happy, celebrating our good fortune. We feel alone when we’re consumed in our own burdens.

On a larger scale we easily forget tragedies that were front and center, but are soon forgotten once the media coverage stops.

For example, our friends and neighbors in North Carolina are still recovering from Mother Nature’s wrath. They are still struggling to survive. We donated so not it’s out of sight and out of mind.

If you’re in a sweet spot; if you’re not going through something now, just remember that in time, you might be.

What can you do to make the world a kinder and more tolerable place?

A compliment.
A phone call.
A card.
A small gesture.
A donation.

Let’s make a commitment to reach out and be of service to one another. While we can’t do it all, we can all do something each day.

Happy Holidays,
Marlene Chism