Clarity & Decision Making

All drama has one thing in common: A lack of clarity. Now, just because you aren’t clear doesn’t mean that you have drama, but I can guarantee that if you have workplace or personal drama, there is a lack of clarity somewhere.

What To Expect

Weekly Call
On our weekly ZOOM calls I’ll facilitate some discussion and teach a skill or concept.

If you have a success you’d like to share, you will also have a chance to speak. If you want spot coaching on the live calls, we’ll make time for that.

Private Email Access
You have access to me via email during the work week. I’ll be answering emails from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CST) every day. If you want email coaching, you need to use email. I’ll get your permission to share anything that is shared at the virtual round table, otherwise my advice will be private. Please whitelist my email address

Private Consulting and Coaching
If you request advice or some coaching, I’ll give what I can by email. You can decide to try the ideas, or let the ideas inspire you in a different direction.

On the Spot Celebrations and Coaching
If you are courageous you can share your challenges on the group calls, as well as any successes you have.

Inspired (but Sporadic) Group Email Communications
Because this is a pilot, you may receive a few group emails where I share some insights or resources. You are welcome to give me your feedback about what’s working or not working. My intention is to support your growth, not overwhelm you, give you “homework” or tell you what to do.  LOL!. You already know what works for you and what you are willing to try.


Is this Leadership Roundtable for You?

There’s a lack of accountability in the workplace

Your employees are capable, but the performance is substandard

You want to create a compelling vision your employee can buy into

Making decisions takes up too much of your time and energy

Your supervisors or managers rely too much on upper management

Anger and frustration disrupt your true leadership ability

You overanalyze and overthink your decisions

You’ve been told you are “all over the place” when you speak or share ideas

You want to significantly increase your own leadership clarity

You simply want to be a better leader


If you are unsure and want to explore further, or you want to inquire about this for your leadership team, email here to request an exploratory call, or call 417.831.1799 and leave a message.

Upcoming Roundtable Opportunities